Director Jothi Krishna as Leading Actor in Oolalalaa Movie

Posted by admin on Sep 13th, 2009 and filed under Cinema News.

Oolalalaa movie is the short form of (Oo-Oorvasi la-lalitha la-lalitha laa-laavanya) four girls names. The well known producer A.M.Rathnam’s son and renowned director of the notable movies “Kedi”, “Enakku 20 Unakku 18″ -Director Jothi Krishna doing the male leading role in this movie. Actress Preeti Bandari from Mumbai made her debut in this movie and did opposite lady love of Jothi Krishna. This is a different and interesting story depicts the importance of friendship and love. Also the story tells whether the friendship between the teen-age boys and girls is continued as the same friendship or love?

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