The film “Paa” is a bollywood movie, which is soon going to hit the silver screen on November 13, 2009. This film starred by Bollywood Superstar Amitabh Bachan, Abishek Bachan, Vidhya Balan which was directed by Balki. The film is about an emotional story between the son and father. Son is a 13 year old boy who is suffering from rare disorder called progeria. Here the interesting thing is the role played by Son as Amitabh Bachan and Father as Abishek Bachan.
One of the greatest features in the Film is the Music, which was composed by Music Maestro Ilayaraja and too Amitabh also sing a song in this movie. On hearing the music and some scenes, Bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachan praised the Music Maestro Ilayaraja and said that Raja is the greatest music artist of the century but bollywood have missed this genius till composing of the Paa Movie.
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